Some families are very health conscious, some families are vegetarians, but my family is made up of a bunch of carnivores. What if I told you my family finds immense happiness in our trips to a meat market? During quarantine, my family took some pretty unique outings. Every weekend (for the most part) we would road trip all over the midwest to try new restaurants that were open. Many of these restaurants were pizza places where we would place our order and then all pile in the back of our trunk to eat it. Even though we took some exotic trips, one that remained a constant throughout the drawn-out weeks was a trip to the meat market. Although my dad had taken my sister and I to the meat market a couple of years prior, I had never really appreciated the trips there until we were stuck at home. At a time of complete boredom, the forty-five-minute drive to the meat market brought us all some excitement. My family and I have never been huge fans of family shopping trips but, something about this meat market made everyone excited (especially my dad).
My dad has made it a habit for almost two years now to go to the same meat market, Reams, every other weekend. Every time he comes back he brings at least 3 grocery bags full of different cuts of meat. The meat can range from bacon and burgers to pinwheels made up of chicken and cranberries. But the collection does not stop there either. Most of the time when he comes back, there is a new flavor of a meat stick hanging around on the counter that my dad is eager for everyone to try. I know this may sound very strange but I look forward to coming home to my dad proud of his new purchases.
One of the greatest parts of the trips to the meat market is the simplicity of it. The meat market is the size of the produce section in Marianos. It has approximately two checkout lines, and not much room to just stand around on a busy day. Yet, despite its size, it never disappoints. I am even allowed to sample as many different kinds of cheese and lunch meat as I want without being judged.
The meals that come from our adventures of going to the meat market are always something to look forward to. My family is only a family of four, but our schedules rarely match up. But there is nothing I love more than a nice family dinner, especially one where we get to eat some delicious food typically grilled by my dad. These are also the types of family dinners that last longer than twenty minutes. This is because good food puts my family in a good mood.
My family isn’t the only one that shares a love for the meat market. We have brought many of our family friends back meat from the market. We have also brought many of our friends to the meat market. Each of the families who have experienced the market in their own way have never said anything bad regarding the market itself. But it has also become a joke between my friends. To them, a trip to the meat market sounds not only exotic but also a bit boring. But if they could experience the meat market the way I do, their perspective would change immensely. It would go from “the place Mr. Homan gets his delicious chicken” to a place of comfort just like it is for me. The trips I have made to the meat market have made me appreciate the crazy adventures my family and I have taken.
In case you would like to personally experience the meat market, here is the address!
250 S Main St, Elburn, IL 60119
Hello Abby,
It amazes me how you find such value in the day-to-day of life, such as going shopping at a meat market. We do many things in life that we think are simple and monotonous, but are exactly not that— for you, this meat market helps build the familial bond between you, your parents, and your sibling. Taking road trips to go to unloved restaurants and mom-and-pop shops are not really about what you’re going to buy when you get there. It’s really about the long car rides there and back, communicating with your family members about what meat they like and then collectively deciding what you should get, and supporting local businesses that may be overshadowed by new mega-stores. Honestly, looking at life through this lens of appreciation and attention is very difficult. I struggle with it; if I am shopping, I want to get my stuff and then get out of the store as quickly as possible. I don’t consider my surroundings and probably think in my head that my needs are the most important out of anyone in the store. This happens with driving, too. If people are in MY way, then I’ll become angry. But I never consider that these people may have much more legitimate and urgent needs than me— for example, a pregnant mother about to give birth, or a businessman who needs to sign a million-dollar deal in twenty minutes, or a babysitter who is late to take care of the infant whose parents are working >10 hours a day to support. When thinking like this, my tardiness to AP Literature and Composition becomes much less important. Sorry, I went on a bit of a tangent. Your blog inspired me to think differently and write about that though, so thank you very much! I loved reading it, it was so peaceful!
Hi Abby,
I enjoyed learning about how much your family values going to the meat market. I think its powerful that you are able to find joy and appreciation in the store for the memories it has triggered and made. I think I often just go through the motions when I am shopping for groceries. I hardly think of what a store can mean to other people, or even how it has shaped my family to where it is now. When I try to think of a store that my family holds close to their hearts, I honestly cannot think of one. I can imagine how comforting that might be though, to have a store that floods me with feelings of comfort and joy. Particularly, your line about how if others could experience the meat market the way you do,their perspective would change immediately, was touching . It is clear that the market means a lot to you. I am glad your family has shared that meaning of the meat market with other families. I think I might just ask my parents if they want to go to the meat market; I don’t think we’ve ever been to one!
Abby! I loved reading your post and I think your family meat-marking trips sound very fun! During quarantine, my family also began taking little routine day trips, also spearheaded by my dad. Though I wish we could have done something as unique as going to meat markets, we would drive to any nearby downtown, and explore other downtowns besides Naperville. They were a nice break from the monotony of being home all the time, and looking back, I have so many fond memories of eating pizzas in our minivan trunk too! Anyways, I love how much you love the meat market and the joy you find in trying new things! One of the best feelings in the world is finding a new favorite! I also love how you have brought so many of your friends and family to Ream’s! Besides finding a new favorite, another amazing feeling is when your loved ones also love something that you do! Thank you for sharing your story and your love for meat markets (I am definitely inspired to go visit Ream’s Meat Market) it is an amazing reminder to cherish family and all the adventures!